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Kelston Brass Mill

The twin furnace chimneys of Kelston Mill.
Photo taken from the grounds of the Jolly Sailor pub by Saltford Lock, looking across the River Avon, June 2003
Courtesy of Lee Paltridge
Kelston Mill was a brass battery mill, operated on this site prior to 1767 by William Champion,
and later by the Bristol Brass Wire and Copper Company. The mill was still in use until the late 1840s.

Kelston Brass Mill Workers' Cottages
Photo taken from the road just upstream of the Jolly Sailor pub by Saltford Lock, looking across the River Avon, June 2003
Courtesy of Lee Paltridge
This row of six three-storied dwellings was built by William Champion (Warmley Company) in the 1760s.
In the 1851 Census of Saltford they are described as...
"Brass Mill Houses, Brass Mill Lane."
The occupants of the Brass Mill Houses in 1851
As they appear in Gordon Beavington's 1851 Census transcriptions, Saltford.GREGORY James 56 Brass Battery Work Keynsham, som; Sarah 62 Keynsham, som; George 27 Wire Drawer Bitton, Glos.; Charles 26 Brass Mill Labourer Kelston; John 22 Brassmill Labourer Kelston; William 19 Brass Mill Labourer Kelston.
WISE William 40 Brass Battery Work Bath, Som.; Phillipe Wife 34 Saltford; James 14 Shoemaker Apprentice Saltford, Som.; William 11 Scholar Saltford, Som.
WILLIAMS Robert 71 Brass Roller Bitton, Glos.; Ann 69 Dorset Billson; Joseph 38 Brass Battery Work Saltford, Som.; Elizabeth 38 Daughter in Law Saltford, Som.
OLLIS William 70 Former Brass Worker - Pauper Saltford, Som.; Sarah 70 Kelston; George 30 Ag. Lab Saltford, Som.
GANE William 49 Brass Battery Work Kelston; Sarah 47 Saltford, Som.; George 24 Quarryman Saltford, Som.; Elizabeth 21 Charwoman Saltford, Som.; Mary 17 Servant Saltford, Som.; William 15 Brass Mill Labourer Saltford, Som.; Ann 13 Scholar Saltford, Som.; Jane 10 Scholar Kelston; Charles 7 Scholar Kelston; Thomas 4 Keynsham, som.
FRANKHAM George 48 Brass Battery Work Kelston; Elizabeth 38 Bitton, Glos.; Sarah Ann 12 Scholar Kelston, Som.; Ellen 11 Scholar Kelston, Som.; Harriet 8 Scholar Kelston, Som.; John Albert 5 Scholar Kelston, Som.; Laura 2 Saltford, Som.
OLLIS John 60 Brass Battery Work Keynsham, som; Sarah 63 Keynsham, som; John 24 Brass Batteryman Kelston, Som.; Emma 21 Kelston, Som.; George 18 Brassmill Labourer Kelston, Som.; Elizabeth 13 Scholar Kelston, Som.
Other occupants of Brass Mill Lane in 1851
Other households, including Brass Workers, were also living in Brass Mill Lane, but not in the Brass Mill Houses.COLLYER Thomas 50 Gardener Apsley Bedford; Ann 46 School Mistress Carm: Abergwilly; EVANS Henry Lodger 23 Ag. Lab Saltford, Som.;
BROOK,AM William 52 Ag. Lab Compton Dando, Som.; Mary Ann 49 Laundress Saltford, Som.; George 22 Turnpike Labourer Saltford, Som.; Eliza 17 Seamstress Saltford, Som.; James 14 Brassmill Labourer Saltford, Som.; Sarah Ann 11 Scholar Pauper Saltford, Som.; Ellen 8 Scholar Pauper Saltford, Som.; John 5 Scholar Pauper Saltford, Som.; HILL Charles Grandson 9 Scholar Orphan Pauper Saltford, Som.; BRIMBEL James Lodger 64 Ferryman Saltford, Som.
MAGGS Martha Widow/er 83 Labourer Wife Pauper Keynsham, som; BROOKMAN William Grandson 27 Rail Labourer Saltford, Som.
HANDY John Widow/er 83 Former Labourer Pauper Saltford, Som.; LILES Henry Son in Law 32 Ag. Lab Wick Gloucestershire; Sarah Daughter 31 Saltford, Som.; George Grandson 4 Saltford, Som.; Caroline 2 Saltford, Som.; John 1m Saltford, Som.
WILLIAMS Samuel 34 Brass Wire Drawer Saltford, Som.; Louisa 37 Lyme Regis; Henry 8 Scholar Saltford, Som.; Thomas 7 Scholar Saltford, Som.; Rufus 5 Scholar Saltford, Som.; James 3 Saltford, Som.
WILLIAMS James 40 Brass Battery Work Saltford, Som.; Susan 31 Lyme Regis; Robert 11 Scholar Kelston; Joseph 9 Scholar Kelston; Ann 7 Scholar Kelston.
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